burn fat on the treadmill

The Best Routine to Burn Fat on a Treadmill

With so many workout trends and fitness fads, it can be challenging to discern which methods are effective. But if you're looking to shed fat and improve cardiovascular fitness using a treadmill, you're in luck....Read More

What is the 12-3-30 treadmill workout?

What is the 12-3-30 Treadmill Workout All About?

In recent times, a conversational buzz has emerged in fitness circles, and its epicenter is a seemingly simple treadmill routine dubbed the "12-3-30" workout. Its growth in popularity is attributed to the blend of accessibility...Read More

Can you run barefoot on a treadmill

Can You Run Barefoot On A Treadmill?

The sensation of barefoot running has gripped many enthusiasts who swear by its natural feel and foot strengthening benefits. However, the question arises: is it acceptable to transfer this practice to the treadmill? Running without...Read More

How long does it take to run 10k on a treadmill?

How Long Does It Take to Run 10k On A Treadmill?

Running a 10k is a popular distance for many runners, offering a challenging yet achievable goal. The transition from outdoor running to a treadmill can raise questions about time and pace. How does the convenience...Read More

How to run long distance on a treadmill

Top Tips for Running Long Distance on a Treadmill

Running long distances on a treadmill can be a daunting task for many, yet it remains a popular choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike who are looking to maintain their endurance training regardless of...Read More

Treadmill vs Outside running

Treadmill vs Outside Running: What Are the Main Differences?

Both treadmill and outside running have staunch advocates, each presenting compelling arguments for why one may be superior to the other. From the controlled climate of indoor running to the unpredictable elements of nature, the...Read More

Why you should stretch before running. How to stretch for runners

Why Should You Warm Up Before a Run?

Understanding the importance of a proper warm-up before running is the first step to enhancing your performance and preventing injury. Now, let's delve into the 'How' of your pre-run routine. Dynamic stretching is the cornerstone...Read More

How long does it take to break in running shoes?

Breaking in Your New Running Shoes

Running is an exhilarating sport that tantalizes the senses and invigorates the soul. However, for runners, both novice and seasoned, the idea of slipping into a fresh pair of running shoes often comes with mixed...Read More

Why am I coughing after running

Why Am I Coughing After Running?

Is It Normal To Cough After Running? It's quite common for individuals to experience coughing after engaging in a running session. This is often due to the body's reaction to increased respiratory demands and the...Read More

Why do my calves hurt after running?

Why Do My Calves Hurt After Running?

If you're an avid runner, you might be familiar with the nagging and sometimes sharp pains that can occur in your calves post-run. Why do my calves hurt after running? The answer isn't always straightforward,...Read More